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Change can be invisible.

When I was a small child in London; my school class was given a project by our teacher to each grow a daffodil at home. We were given the daffodil bulb and some soil, along with instructions on how to grow it. If I can recall correctly, I had to put the bulb in a plant pot and cover it with soil. I then added water until the soil was damp and placed it in a dark cupboard. This was then left alone apart from occasionally watering it.

Being a young child, I was impatient and constantly checked the plant, hoping to see some sign of growth. I remember being disappointed that nothing seemed to be happening! I didn’t know too much about how things in the natural world grew, so I wondered why it looked the same day after day.

One day I checked the plant which was tucked away in the dark cupboard and was elated to see the first signs of the daffodil coming through. After time and care it eventually grew into a bright yellow daffodil. I was extremely proud the day we had to take our plants back to school. For me, growing the daffodil seemed like a miracle!

The reason I am sharing this story is that I have often been guided to use nature as a way to explain change. Think of a bare tree in the middle of winter with no leaves. It would seem when looking at it that nothing is happening, that the tree seems lifeless, and nothing is growing anymore. We as humans cannot see that, beneath the surface and within the branches, great changes are taking place. Only when it is the right time do we finally see the emerging leaves and spring blossom.

This can reflect what is happening in a person’s life. Someone may feel that they are trying hard but not succeeding or they are struggling to see any signs of positive change in their future. However, although they may feel this way, it does not mean that this is true. There may be great changes coming to this person in the future, which are yet to be seen because it is not yet the correct time for these to happen. Often when it may seem that nothing is happening, the greatest changes are already being prepared.

It can be very difficult to believe in a happy future or positive change when it feels as if no progress is happening, when month after month the circumstances seem unchanged. However, it is important to try and maintain a positive outlook and have faith in the changes yet to come. Being in this positive energy allows a person to keep moving forward. The future may be full of great things and happy changes so keep believing and stay as optimistic as possible, even when it feels like change cannot be seen.

Be as patient as possible and look forward to the future! Like the growing daffodil, change may already be happening beneath the surface. When it is the right time, it can arrive suddenly and maybe when we least expect it.

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